Sunday, 2 March 2008

Failing At Life

They said Sixth Form would be exciting, that it would be fun. Oh it started like that, but life problems have been mounting every since my last post and have now reached a climax.

To cut a long story short:

I fancied a girl, I asked out girl and got dealt a bitter dose of humiliation, over time girl develops strong feelings for me and we unofficially start "seeing" each other. Her parents found out (did I mention they were strict Muslims?) and are going to pull her out of the school and basically ruin her life.

I became complacent with my academia and started slipping. When mocks came I achieved very low marks, which alerted all the teachers because I have "Oxbridge potential". Now important A-level module marks are coming out next week and I fear I have underachieved. I know grades aren't everything, but when you come from an Asian background, they really are everything. If I don't meet expectations (which are unbelievable high) I may suffer a fate similar to my Muslim girlfriend.

I am incredibly stressed and worried (for me and her) and it's all so overwhelming.

And there are lots of other small niggly insignificant problems which I shan't mention. All this time I kept thinking to myself: "my life is riveting. If only I was blogging it or writing a book about my experiences". How ironic that when my life was tedious I blogged so often, but when it suddenly became interesting I couldn't find the time...

It seems in my darkest hour, I have returned to my blog.

I hope you understand if I go "on hiatus" for awhile. If something exceptional or extraordinary happens I'll make sure to write, but don't expect me back anytime soon.